Berry Mint “Detox”

  April 9, 2016  |    Blog>Recipes

As registered dietitians and personal trainers, our clients always ask us for healthy recipes.  Lately, one of our most popular requests is for drinks that are going to help flatten the belly and flush toxins and wastes out of the body.  And who are we to disappoint?  J  So we’ve created another bevvie that you can sip throughout the day and feel lighter and healthier.  And although our bodies are pretty darn good at cleansing themselves and detoxing naturally, this “detox” drink helps to restore normal hydration fluid, flush out sodium and the bloat that comes along with it, and flood our bodies with antioxidants and phytonutrients that mop up free radicals and assist in the detox process, putting less of a toll on our bodies.


Pssst… looking for more healthy recipes?  Please feel free to search our site, and here are a few to try…


Cool Citrus Cucumber Detox

Chocolate Coconut Chia Balls

Portobello Pizza

Green Grape & Matcha Detox Drink





How does this lil’ number work its’ magic?


Thanks to mint and berries, you’ll flood your body with anti-aging and disease-fighting phytonutrients and bloat-fighting potassium and water—and the phytonutrients will help to mop up damage caused by free radicals and toxins from processed foods, pollution and stress!

The Water:

You probably know how we feel about water!  It’s the most important thing you need to survive!  You’ve heard how important it is to stay properly hydrated–but you may not realize some of the reasons why. After all, if you are even slightly dehydrated (just 1% of your body weight), you’ll feel sluggish (you’re less likely to get to the gym if you’re feeling wiped out—and even if you do get there, you likely won’t work as hard).

Of course, less movement and eating more both spell trouble for your waistline!

You can easily mistake thirst for hunger. (We see this happen often; you’re dehydrated, so you crave energy and you think you’re hungry.  Guess what? You crave sugar!–eeks! Drink water instead and you’ll notice you have fewer sugar cravings!)

Many times constipation (and unsightly gut bulges with it) can be prevented if you simply drink water to get things moving right along in your colon.

0001_NutritionTwins-infusedwater-detox-strawberry-blackberry-blueberry-raspberry-mint-logoBerries. All berries are loaded with antioxidants that act like scavengers in our bodies– think of them like bloodhounds—they sniff out all of the damage created by eating or drinking a few too many unhealthy indulgences or being a little stressed out or breathing in pollution, and they neutralize those damaging particles and assist your body in the detox process. Yep, these little bite size wonders pack a punch when it comes to phytonutrients (plant based nutrients). Something cool? The rich dark colors of black and blue berries along with the deep red of strawberries and raspberries means they’re loaded with a high concentration of antioxidants.

Other neat berry facts? You betcha! Berries have been shown to have beneficial effects on blood sugar, as well as anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. Berries slow the aging process too—so they’re your go-to if you want to do all you can to prevent decline in motor and cognitive skills as well as aide in weight management. Awesome, right!?

Berry Breakdown:



  • 62 calories per 1 cup serving, high fiber (7.6 grams per 1 cup serving)
  • Potent antioxidants which help to keep body healthy and boost immunity
  • High in gallic acid, rutin and ellagic acid which have anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties.


Raspberries: their phytonutrients may prevent chronic diseases like obesity, diabetes type II, hypertension and atherosclerosis. New studies link naturally occurring compounds in the berry called raspberry ketones (or rheosmin) and a type of flavonoid called tiliroside and their positive influence on obesity and blood sugar levels.

Blueberries, these little nutrient powerhouses have been linked with decreased mental decline as we age as well as improved memory!

Strawberries can help to keep your heart healthy and cardiovascular system strong with its’ ellagic acid and flavonoids which may help reduce the LDL, the bad cholesterol in the blood and provide anti-inflammatory effects, which plays a major role in heart disease. Strawberries rock when it comes to potassium—so they’re superstars when it comes to helping to regulate blood pressure And with  as a powerhouse when it comes to vitamin C (113%DV per 1 cup serving!), strawberries act as scavengers for free radicals and mop up damage from pollution and stress.

Mint has been known to soothe the stomach and may promote digestion. Hello, flatter belly!  Mint also contains potassium to help restore normal fluid balance and flush bloat.  Chew on some if you want to freshen your breath!

Serving suggestions:

The berries used can be fresh or frozen. Fresh are great when they’re in season and at their peak ripeness but don’t let that stop you from grabbing some berries from the freezer section, off season. Frozen fruit is picked and frozen immediately, nutrients intact, so all of those great nutrients are preserved in the freezing process. Frozen berries tend to be mushier once thawed, but this can help the water infusion to taste even sweeter! You can refill your glass or infusion bottle with water using the same berries or mint for the day, just discard the used berries and mint leaves at the end of the day. Start fresh the next morning.





Mixed Berry Mint Detox Infused Water

1 serving (16oz)


16oz water

Ice to chill

1/4 cup mixed berries (or single berry of choice) – fresh or frozen

2-3 mint leaves


Add berries to water, slightly mash blackberries and raspberries with the back of a spoon while in the water. When using fresh blueberries and strawberries, cut blueberries in half and strawberries into rings. Frozen berries can be added and mashed after thawing in the water if needed. Slightly crumple mint leaves to help release their flavor/oils before putting into water. Serve over ice. Refill water throughout the day, keep chilled, discard berries and mint leaves by the end of the same day.

Nutrition Facts Per Serving (1 serving is 16 oz): 6 Calories, 0 g Fat, 0 g Saturated Fat, 0 mg Cholesterol, 7 mg Sodium, 1 g Carbohydrate, 0 g Fiber, 1 g Sugar, 0 g Protein

Berry Mint "Detox"
Recipe type: Drinks
  • 16oz water
  • Ice to chill
  • ¼ cup mixed berries (or single berry of choice) – fresh or frozen
  • 2-3 mint leaves
  1. Add berries to water, slightly mash blackberries and raspberries with the back of a spoon while in the water.
  2. When using fresh blueberries and strawberries, cut blueberries in half and strawberries into rings. Frozen berries can be added and mashed after thawing in the water if needed.
  3. Slightly crumple mint leaves to help release their flavor/oils before putting into water.
  4. Serve over ice.
  5. Refill water throughout the day, keep chilled, discard berries and mint leaves by the end of the same day.
Nutrition Information
Serving size: 16 oz Calories: 6 Fat: 0 g Saturated fat: 0 g Carbohydrates: 1 g Sugar: 1 g Sodium: 7 mg Fiber: 0 g Protein: 0 g Cholesterol: 0 mg



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