One Arm, One Leg Plank

  April 19, 2014  |    Blog>Exercise

You’ve asked for sexier abs and we’ve got the perfect way to get ‘em! That’s right, many of you have requested effective exercises to get into shape, especially in the mid-drift area– so today’s focus—rockin’ abs!  Planks are great because they not only work the abs, but nearly every muscle in your body.  Plus, you …

Hamstring Curls

  February 26, 2014  |    Blog>Exercise

Yup—we’ve got your back! Well, actually, with this exercise we’ve actually got the back of your legs—and we’re helping you to keep them tight, toned and jiggle free, after all, what are friends for?! As we used in our recent shoulder exercise we’re back with the resistance band, only this time, as we mentioned, we’re …

Squat Twist

  August 2, 2013  |    Blog>Exercise

By now you know how we love to work our legs and booty! 🙂  In case you missed our Leg & Butt Toner  or our Squat with Side Kick For a Toned Outer Thigh  or our At-Home Thigh Blaster check them out (and just search our Exercises on this site for others!) Squats are a …

The Plank

  July 15, 2013  |    Blog>Exercise

Have you ever noticed that after doing ab exercises your stomach actually pouches out more? That’s because people often do exercises incorrectly and the muscle builds up under the fat and pouches out! Not with this exercise! Meet your new, flatter tummy maker—AKA THE PLANK! THE PLANK—quite possibly the most effective ab exercise! No reason …