Ginger Cinnamon Apple Chips

  September 29, 2014  |    Blog>Recipes

If you’ve visited our fun facts page, you know that we’ve eaten an apple practically every day with breakfast since high school.  Besides the fact that they are super satisfying, sweet, crunchy and delicious, we do believe there’s truth in that old saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away…” (plus science backs it …

Hickory Apple Salad with Turkey Bacon

  October 10, 2013  |    Blog>Recipes

Apple season is in full swing now that October is here! So now is the season that apples are extra sweet and super delicious.  We love picking our own at  the apple orchard! If you aren’t a fan of apples, then you should be. Here’s the jam packed benefits of apples…hello pretty smile, hello lean, …

Halloween–Do-IT Swaps!

  October 7, 2013  |    Blog

Swapping those high calorie, low nutrient foods like candy and sweets for healthier foods with the same taste is the perfect way to hit all of those cravings while staying healthy! Want something sour? Try green apples instead of sour candy for a boost of fiber for long lasting energy! For a different sweet and …

Homemade Apple Butter

  September 23, 2013  |    Blog>Recipes

Although, as you probably know by now, we are babes of the summer and love everything about it, we can’t fight the fact that we are loving this sunny, still-fairly warm fall weather and can’t wait for all the fun festivities it has to offer! Hayrides, pumpkin patches, corn mazes, apple picking, etc.! It’s so …