Skinny Zucchini Fries

  November 3, 2013  |    Blog>Recipes

We’re the first to admit that any time we tell our clients they can eat fries, they get a big smile on their faces.  And although we let them know it’s OK to occasionally indulge in the deep-fried French fries that most people think of, we also get such a kick out of showing them …

Homemade Apple Butter

  September 23, 2013  |    Blog>Recipes

Although, as you probably know by now, we are babes of the summer and love everything about it, we can’t fight the fact that we are loving this sunny, still-fairly warm fall weather and can’t wait for all the fun festivities it has to offer! Hayrides, pumpkin patches, corn mazes, apple picking, etc.! It’s so …