Chocolate Drizzle Popcorn

  April 11, 2014  |    Blog>Recipes

Who doesn’t love eating popcorn?!  We gotta admit, even as registered dietitians we find it’s super fun to pop in your mouth and the hardest thing is to remember to go slowly—it’s easy to get carried away and gobble it, especially because it makes for such a great energy boosting snack!   When our clients …

It’s Grilled Cheese Month!

  April 9, 2014  |    Blog>Recipes

Like most people, we love an ooey gooey grilled cheese sandwich once in awhile!   It takes us back to the days as kids when we watch our mom make our sandwich and our mouths’ would water as we’d watch the cheese bubble.   We honestly still get the same thrill from watching the cheese grill these …

Banana-Coco Sunrise Juice

  April 6, 2014  |    Blog>Recipes

After waking up dehydrated as we all do, this Sunrise Juice is the ideal way to start your day as the water and potassium combination helps to restore fluid balance in the body and rehydrate you.  Say hello to waking up and feeling refreshed as you flood your body with fluid, nutrients and electrolytes.  You’ll …

Frozen Banana Chocolasicles

  April 1, 2014  |    Blog>Recipes

Um, we don’t mean to toot our own horn with this one, but this is pretty darn scrumptious if we don’t say so ourselves!  🙂 Although, we can’t really take full credit–our Grandma Pearl was the originator on our end–but more on that later! For now, we’re calling all health-minded chocolate lovers!  Yes, YOU!  This …