Blueberry-Lemon Morning Detox Smoothie

  March 2, 2015  |    Blog>Recipes

A number of you have asked us if we’ve ever had a morning where we feel like we just want to undo the damage that we did over the last couple of days from eating too much, drinking too much or just falling off the healthy track…

Of course, we have! (Umm, have you heard us complain about this after we’ve eaten out or celebrated with friends a few too many days in a row– or after we’ve been on vacation?) Often we try to get right back on track with our Kale Recharge and Detox Smoothie or our Detoxifying Green Tea Smoothie which both work their magic. We also sip our Raspberry Ginger Detox during the day. Or we go for this awesome Blueberry-Lemon Morning Detox Smoothie! What we love about it is that while although it’s the perfect way to reboot the body, it tastes yummy, so it’s ideal when your mind isn’t feeling up for a huge challenge.  Admittedly, especially when we just get back from a vacay, our minds are still a little in la-la land.  Yep, this awesome smoothie kick starts your body and puts it back on the healthy track, but it’s cool, sweet, refreshing flavor allows your mind to ease back into it without feeling like you’ve gotta motivate yourself for a strict, dirt-tasting swift kick to reality.

We like to drink this smoothie in the morning since there’s no better time to flood your body with nutrients that help to rejuvenate your cells and that help your liver to do its’ job of detoxifying invaders (chemicals, smog, toxins, alcohol, etc.) that could harm the body. However, you can drink this babe any time of day and it will still work is magic.

Thanks to blueberries, banana and lemon, you’ll flood your body with anti-aging and disease-fighting phytonutrients and bloat-fighting potassium and water—and those phytonutrients will help to mop up damage caused by free radicals and toxins from processed foods, pollution and stress!  This smoothie feels light in your stomach and its’ nutrients help to fight inflammation, calming your insides and battling bloat.  And although this smoothie feels light, it fills you up and is satisfying, preventing the urge to snack and helping to get you back to eating clean. It’s simple, so it makes starting your day off feeling rejuvenated, light and on the healthy track easy!  Hello, recharged, cleansed body! 😉


We’re wild about the creamy texture and refreshing lemon-zing of this smoothie! Plus, it’s filling and satisfying—boasting 7g of fiber and 20 grams protein, so it will help to keep your blood sugar levels stable as well—and satisfied until lunch! And with the burst of phytonutrients and vitamin C from the blueberries and lemon, this smoothie is an immune booster too!


More reasons to sip this blue smoothie? 😉


The blueberries! Research suggests they actually may assist in weight loss (yippee!) since they contain the phytochemical C3G that may increase production of both adiponectin (which enhances fat metabolism) and leptin (which suppresses appetite). Oh yeah!


Blueberry-Lemon Morning Detox Smoothie

(Yields 1 serving)



1 cup frozen blueberries

½ medium banana

3/4 cup plain nonfat Greek yogurt

1 tsp grated lemon peel

1/2 cup cold water



Blueberry-Lemon Morning Detox Smoothie
  • 1 cup frozen blueberries
  • ½ medium banana
  • ¾ cup plain nonfat Greek yogurt
  • 1tsp grated lemon peel
  • ½ cup cold water
  1. Blend together all ingredients in a blender until smooth—voila! A simple, on-the-go healthy breakfast smoothie! Enjoy!
Nutrition Information
Serving size: 1 smoothie Calories: 245 Fat: 1 Saturated fat: 0 Carbohydrates: 55 Sodium: 66 Fiber: 7 Protein: 20 Cholesterol: 0

Blend together all ingredients in a blender until smooth—voila! A simple, on-the-go healthy breakfast smoothie! Enjoy!


Nutritional Information:

Calories 245; Fat 1g; Saturated Fat 0g; Carbohydrates 55g; Protein 20g; Cholesterol 0mg; Sodium 66mg; Fiber 7g




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