Sweet Potato Nachos

  January 1, 2017  |    Blog>Nutrition & Weight Loss

A calorie bomb of greasy chips smothered in cheese …not exactly what you’d expect to get from these veggie loving, registered dietitians and personal trainer twin sisters (who just happen to have a sweet tooth), now is it? Thank goodness, you’re (partially 😉 ) right about that. While this may taste like the real deal, …

Orange & Fennel Roasted Fish

  March 8, 2016  |    Blog>Recipes

Our awesome and talented friend Heather Edwards (see more about Heather below) is a wonderful cook and she knows that we both love fish and that Lyssie has an obsession with fennel 😉 so she shared this delish recipe with us. It’s so good–and so easy!  And we knew it was super waist-line friendly too …

Skinny Crustless Quiche

  October 28, 2015  |    Blog>Recipes

We both vividly remember our first time eating an Oreo cookie. We were seven years old, having an afternoon snack at our friend’s house and we broke open the cookie, licked the creamy insides clean. Then we bit into the outside (the cookie), were uninterested in it and left it behind. We moved on to …