Yogurt Banana Oat Muffin

  June 2, 2014  |    Blog>Recipes

This heart healthy recipe makes a great pre- or post-cardio workout snack, or a fab breakfast on-the-go with a nonfat Greek Yogurt, hard-boiled egg or string cheese! They are a great healthy comfort food too!  And if you love comfort food, but hate the calories and what it does to your waistline this recipe is …

Egg-cellent Omelet

  May 30, 2014  |    Blog>Recipes

As authors of The Nutrition Twins’ Veggie Cure, our clients always ask us how they can effortlessly get more veggies in their lives. We tell them one of the most surprising, but easiest times to get veggies is at breakfast. Toss veggies in your omelets, scrambled eggs, etc. and you are golden! After all, why …

Copycat Ramen Noodles – Vegan Japanese Noodles with Veggies

  May 14, 2014  |    Blog>Recipes

We remember our college days and learning in Nutrition 101 that Ramen Noodles were terrible for you. We actually didn’t grow up eating them and wondered what could be so bad about noodles. After all, they seemed to be a super- hot commodity around the college dorms and easy on the wallet. But Ramen noodles …

Summer Salad with Coconut Sprinkles

  May 13, 2014  |    Blog>Recipes

With bikini season just around the corner, salads are a great way to lighten up and keep things cool. But we’ve heard your requests—you’d like some salad ideas to shake things up a bit and prevent your taste buds from becoming bored with the mundane ‘ole recipe.   Not only is our new power salad …