This is why FAT is In

  May 3, 2016  |    Blog

If you get our e-newsletter, in early May you opened one titled “Kale is out, Fat is In“, and then only days letter received our newsletter that read this:   You know that moment when you hit “send” and your heart sinks?  We just had one.  Ugh… after a hectic Mother’s Day and one twin not …

Grapefruit Rosemary Detox Infusion

  April 1, 2015  |    Blog>Recipes

Do you want to flush out your system after an overindulgence and immediately get your mind and body back on the healthy track? Well then look no further! As you probably know, living in the very social New York City, our clients at times come to us after a night or weekend of social engagements …

The Danger of the Desk Job

  September 29, 2014  |    Blog>Recipes

We have some pretty startling news, but trust us, you aren’t going to want to sit down for this. Studies have shown that for every two hours of sitting at work, your risk of obesity increases 5%, and your risk of diabetes increases 7%. That’s major!   How could sitting contribute to such serious health issues? …

Easy Peasy Seasoned Brussels Sprouts

  September 22, 2014  |    Blog>Recipes

We recently ate at a nearby restaurant in New York City and the fish dish was accompanied by roasted Brussels sprouts that were so delicious that we had to come home and make our own the next day!   We were especially motivated to re-create the Brussels sprouts because of their delicious taste, but let’s …