Copycat Ramen Noodles – Vegan Japanese Noodles with Veggies

  May 14, 2014  |    Blog>Recipes

We remember our college days and learning in Nutrition 101 that Ramen Noodles were terrible for you. We actually didn’t grow up eating them and wondered what could be so bad about noodles. After all, they seemed to be a super- hot commodity around the college dorms and easy on the wallet. But Ramen noodles …

Summer Salad with Coconut Sprinkles

  May 13, 2014  |    Blog>Recipes

With bikini season just around the corner, salads are a great way to lighten up and keep things cool. But we’ve heard your requests—you’d like some salad ideas to shake things up a bit and prevent your taste buds from becoming bored with the mundane ‘ole recipe.   Not only is our new power salad …

Vegan Mocha-licious Coffee

  May 11, 2014  |    Blog>Recipes

Who likes consuming a load of calories, fat and processed ingredients at breakfast time from their morning brew?! NOT US! And apparently you don’t either, as we’ve gotten a ton of requests for a coffee recipe that’s a delicious, healthy and budget-friendly (to boot!) alternative to coffee shop options. So here’s our own healthier version …

Cinnamon Fruit “Milkshake”

  April 29, 2014  |    Blog>Recipes

  There’s something about a creamy milkshake that seems to take us (and most of our clients) back to the days of childhood.  There didn’t seem to be so much processed food and the milkshake was just ice cream and milk—and so delicious!  And also it didn’t seem so, well, bad-for-you.  The truth is, drinking …