Strawberry-Rhubarb Oatmeal Bake

  June 15, 2013  |    Blog>Recipes

Looking for a new breakfast that’s super healthy, but it’s so delicious it feels like dessert? Then look no further! Strawberry-Rhubarb Oatmeal Bake Serves: 3 Ingredients 2 cups uncooked oats 1/2 cup strawberries, sliced 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/2 cup rhubarb compote 1 tablespoon maple syrup* Directions Cook oatmeal according to package directions. After oatmeal …

Fruit Tarts!

  June 1, 2013  |    Blog>Recipes>Desserts

Spring is upon us, woohoo! Finally!  It couldn’t have come any sooner!  And although June marks the official beginning of National Fruits and Vegetables Month– we believe there is nothing like the present–and no time is too soon to get your fruits and veggies and all the amazing benefits they offer.  Although the official season …

Green Energy Popsicles

  April 24, 2013  |    Blog>Recipes

If you have a tough time getting your veggies, this may just be the gateway recipe for you! 🙂  As you know by now, we are always experimenting and finding delicious ways to get your veggies (you also probably know that not only do we love our veggies, but after being bombarded with research about …

Asian Peanut Sauce

  March 29, 2013  |    Blog>Recipes

March is National Peanut Month! Peanuts are one of our favorite foods – they’re tasty, filling, and are great sources of protein and healthy fats. Plus, they pack in vitamin E, fiber, magnesium, folate and niacin. To celebrate peanut month, here’s one of our favorite peanut sauce recipes – we use it to top noodles, …