Coco Honey Nuts

  December 31, 2014  |    Blog>Recipes

As girls who love healthy food, at the same time we love food that packs a satisfying punch. And really, who doesn’t?! 🙂 Most of us can appreciate those foods that are so satisfying that we don’t have to eat mounds of it to feel satiated?

A lot of our clients love nuts for this reason– they are super satisfying snacks, with a great crunch to boot. We love that nuts are packed with good-for-you fats, fiber, and phytonutrients and although they add up quickly in calories, they can be a healthy snack that tides you over for hours. Here is a delish recipe that feels like an indulgent splurge yet is healthy—and it quickly takes that edge off hunger within a couple crunches. So this is a great snack when you want something a little different that really cuts the hunger. Just be sure to stick to the portion as like all nuts the calories add up. We suggest having it with a warm cup of tea to really satiate and pacify you and really taking your time to savor the great flavor and crunch and enjoy it.


Psst… looking for more healthy snacks?  Please feel free to search this site!  And here are a few that are similar to this…

Lemon Sage Chickpea Bursts

Sweet Barbeque Chickpea Bursts

Spicy Roasted Chickpeas with Almonds

coco nuts with logo



Coco Honey Nuts:

Serving: a handful, approximately 1/8 cup or 12 almonds

1/2 c. whole raw almonds (unsalted)

1/2 T. honey

1/8 t. salt

2 t. unsweetened cocoa powder (We use raw chocolate Cacao powder since it’s unprocessed, so you reap all of phytonutrient and healthy circulation benefits)



1) Preheat oven or toaster oven to 350F.

2) In a small bowl, mix together almonds, honey, and salt.

3) Place tin foil on a cooking sheet and pour almond mixture onto the pan.

4) Place the pan in the oven and allow nuts to bake for 10-12min.

5) Once done, take the pan out of the oven and immediately pour the nuts back into the small bowl.

6) Add cocoa powder to the bowl and mix the nuts until the cocoa powder evenly covers all of the nuts.

*Best served immediately and eaten when warm. They tend to harden and clump as they cool.

Nutrition Facts (per serving): 110 Calories, 9g Fat, 0g Saturated Fat, 7g Carbohydrate, Protein 4g, 3g Fiber, 78mg Sodium, 0mg Cholesterol

Coco Honey Nuts
  • ½ c. whole raw almonds (unsalted)
  • ½ T. honey
  • ⅛ t. salt
  • 2 t. unsweetened cocoa powder (We use raw chocolate Cacao powder since it’s unprocessed, so you reap all of phytonutrient and healthy circulation benefits)
  1. ) Preheat oven or toaster oven to 350F.
  2. ) In a small bowl, mix together almonds, honey, and salt.
  3. ) Place tin foil on a cooking sheet and pour almond mixture onto the pan.
  4. ) Place the pan in the oven and allow nuts to bake for 10-12min.
  5. ) Once done, take the pan out of the oven and immediately pour the nuts back into the small bowl.
  6. ) Add cocoa powder to the bowl and mix the nuts until the cocoa powder evenly covers all of the nuts.
  7. *Best served immediately and eaten when warm. They tend to harden and clump as they cool.
Nutrition Information
Serving size: 12 nuts Calories: 110 Fat: 9 g Saturated fat: 0 g Sodium: 78 mg Fiber: 3 g Protein: 4 g


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