Sweet BBQ Chick Pea Bursts

  June 19, 2013  |    Blog>Recipes

If you’re looking for a snack that’s sweet, savory, crunchy and satisfying, look no further!  These Sweet BBQ Chickpea Bursts are protein and fiber packed and just 134 calories per serving! Psst… looking for more healthy recipes? Please feel free to search this site!  And here are a few to try… Greek Quinoa Salad Pumpkin …

Our Clif Bar Flavor Creation

  June 18, 2013  |    Blog

Here we are creating our own Clif bar flavor at Clif and Luna Bar Headquarters in California! What flavor do you think we created? Peanut Apple Blueberry Boost! Peanut butter chips with apple and blueberry–just like a peanut butter sandwich–only better! 🙂 If you knew us when we were little kids, you’d have guessed this …

Strawberry-Rhubarb Oatmeal Bake

  June 15, 2013  |    Blog>Recipes

Looking for a new breakfast that’s super healthy, but it’s so delicious it feels like dessert? Then look no further! Strawberry-Rhubarb Oatmeal Bake Serves: 3 Ingredients 2 cups uncooked oats 1/2 cup strawberries, sliced 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/2 cup rhubarb compote 1 tablespoon maple syrup* Directions Cook oatmeal according to package directions. After oatmeal …

Crunchy Veggi-licous Chips!

  June 14, 2013  |    Blog

With summer approaching, the season for cookouts begins! Add an alternative, healthy twist to your cookout by replacing those greasy, salty potato chips with VEGGIE CHIPS! Not only are they much healthier, but they taste better too! Veggie Chips are low calorie, low fat, AND provide a whole array of health benefits depending on the …