12 ways to cut calories without eating less

  November 21, 2012  |    Blog

The Nutrition Twins’ Blog, As seen on Fitbie.com Twelve tips for cutting calories without eating less, from sipping healthful broths to loading up on veggies. There’s no way around it: To lose weight, you need to cut calories. But eating less is a surefire way to feel dissatisfied after every meal. Instead of shrinking your …

Coconut Pumpkin Pie, Oh my!

  November 19, 2012  |    Blog>Recipes

We’re huge fans of pumpkin! Love it! And not just during Thanksgiving time. This veggie is a year-round deal for us. In fact in our next book we have a number of pumpkin recipes and they’re all to die for! You’ll flip when you try them! It’s hard to believe pumpkin is a healthy, nutrient …

Vegetarian Chili

  November 17, 2012  |    Blog>Recipes

We love to eat hearty meals when it gets cold – they warm us up from the inside out and keep our ENERGY high. Many times, hearty meals can also be full of unhealthy creams and fats, so you have to watch out for this at restaurants. If meals are unhealthy, they’ll drain your energy. …