Which Dietary Guideline Will Cause the biggest Ruckus?

  January 30, 2011  |    Blog

Which Dietary Guideline Will Cause the biggest Ruckus? Tomorrow, Monday, January 31st the new Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) are scheduled to be announced. We’ve been anxiously awaiting the arrival of the recommendations—every five years the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), release the latest research-based nutritional …

TEST: Preview Image

  January 21, 2011  |    Blog

The Nutrition Twins on Good Morning America Health with the Scoop on the Best Mood Boosting Foods

Strawberry Parfait Crisps

  January 19, 2011  |    Uncategorized

Do you feel like you could eat endless bowls of fruit and still be hungry an hour later? Try this 100 calorie strawberry snack to curb a sweet tooth while satisfying your hunger! Mix: 1/2 cup strawberries cut into halves, 1/2 cup 0% fat greek yogurt, 1/4 cup Health Valley crispy brown rice cereal (or …