Cinnamon Protein Pancakes

  July 23, 2015  |    Blog>Nutrition & Weight Loss

We love a good pancake! Our Mom used to make her homemade pancakes every Sunday morning, and they were so satisfying and delicious and they always remind us of some of our favorite times (the weekend!). We have to admit though (sorry Mom, we do love your cooking! 🙂 ) that as much as we …

Granola-Berry Parfait and a Weight Loss Pointer

  July 11, 2015  |    Blog>Recipes

If you’re anything like our new clients, you may think that as registered dietitians and personal trainers who help people to lose weight and improve their health, that we don’t love delicious food—and that we probably never eat it.  This actually couldn’t be further from the truth! 🙂  In fact, just the opposite is true! …

Spicy Roasted Chickpeas and Almonds

  July 5, 2015  |    Blog>Recipes

Looking for a new healthy snack? That’s one of the top requests we get—you want a snack that’s satisfying and won’t hurt your efforts to get lean—and that’s delicious and packs quite the crunch 😉 .  While some snacks, such as those that are light and airy (like chips) don’t fill you up, leave you …