Summer Kale Salad

  June 24, 2015  |    Blog>Recipes

When we were doing research while writing our most recent book, The Nutrition Twins Veggie Cure we were becoming more and more obsessed with veggies and more adventurous as we ate them too—all parts of them!  After all, we were reading studies that showed that some parts of certain veggies offer more beauty and skin …

Spicy “Fried” Broccoli

  June 8, 2015  |    Blog>Recipes

Most of us get in the habit of cooking things the same way all of the time, especially when it comes to vegetables. And if you are like many of our new clients, you may think that if you don’t eat a veggie raw, you’ll lose most of the nutrients. Well great news, this is …

Cocoa Banana Burst Breakfast Smoothie

  May 28, 2015  |    Blog>Recipes

As you likely know by now, we’re not only registered dietitians and personal trainers who love veggies, but we also have a sweet tooth.  We like to blame our Grandma Bubby for it, who was sweet as could be and had a big sweet tooth, too! 😉  In fact, Lyssie even has a long left …