Homemade Apple Butter

  September 23, 2013  |    Blog>Recipes

Although, as you probably know by now, we are babes of the summer and love everything about it, we can’t fight the fact that we are loving this sunny, still-fairly warm fall weather and can’t wait for all the fun festivities it has to offer! Hayrides, pumpkin patches, corn mazes, apple picking, etc.! It’s so …

Facebook Slim Down

  September 21, 2013  |    Blog

We have all read about how technology contributes to obesity in our nation. Is that completely true? We like to see the bright side of every story and want to share how  technology can actually be helpful in weight loss.  Yes! –You can make the most of it to help you get into your skinny …

Crispy Homemade Fries

  September 18, 2013  |    Blog>Recipes

If you’re not already drooling over the idea of delicious Baked Coconut Crusted Tilapia topped with the amazing Spring Pineapple Chutney, add these Crispy Fries to the mix and you’ll have a fab meal!  Fish and chips are a favorite American splurge.  Make it healthy so it doesn’t have to be a once in a …

School Regulations- Lunches Get A Healthy Makeover!

  September 18, 2013  |    Blog

School Lunches are getting a healthy makeover–and so is your lunch! Lunches this school year are getting a healthy makeover. Kids are seeing more fruit, vegetables, and whole grains on their meal trays–woot-woot! In accordance with the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act school lunch and breakfast programs are experiencing meal reforms for the first time …