Homemade Salsa

  February 8, 2013  |    Blog>Recipes

  Who doesn’t love the salsa at Mexican restaurants?! We do! And if you’re like many, you have chips at home with not-so-healthy dips.  Why not swap them for this scrumptious salsa that just happens to give your body and skin a beautifying boost? And if you’re looking for some other of our great dips …

Homemade Hot Chocolate!

  February 7, 2013  |    Blog>Recipes

If you’re like us, you love everything chocolate, including hot chocolate! It’s so soothing and it’s perfect for warming us up on a cold winter’s day. This recipe will quench your chocolate craving with some added bonuses! First, you’ve probably heard about the health benefits of chocolate—especially dark chocolate. It’s rich in antioxidants and can …

Apple, Peanut Butter and Granola Sandwich!

  February 4, 2013  |    Blog>Recipes

Who doesn’t love peanut butter?! We both do! Peanut butter has a healthy combination of fiber and protein. Protein is important for muscle repair and also helps to keep your blood sugar level stable so you stay energized throughout the day! It’s packed with other important nutrients like vitamin E, folate and heart-healthy; monounsaturated fat! …

Say Cheese!!

  February 3, 2013  |    Blog

We can probably all say we have a soft spot for cheese! With so many varieties, how are we supposed to know which cheese is best for us? While cheese is a great source of protein, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A and vitamin B12, it can also provide a lot of calories and artery-clogging fat if …