Kombucha: Taking Tea To A Higher level of Nutrition?

  September 18, 2011  |    Blog

Many of you may have seen this effervescent tea in your local health food store, but do you know exactly what it is? We too have seen it everywhere and wanted to learn more about this unusual nutrition booster. With the help with one of our interns, Veronica Sommer, we did some research into how …

Sprouted Grains: A Nutrition Booster Better Than Whole Grains?

  September 18, 2011  |    Blog

We love our whole grains! They’re loaded with fiber and nutrients, but if you’ve walked into a health food store lately you may wonder about sprouted grains and whether they offer a boosted nutritional value. Here’s the deal with sprouted grains: Even though you don’t necessarily think about grains as being seeds, they naturally will …

Care For Some Kefir?

  September 18, 2011  |    Blog

Now what is kefir you ask? Kefir is a fermented dairy drink that is similar to yogurt, but distinct in its’ own way. Kefir looks like drinkable yogurt. It is a probiotic, which means it contains “friendly” bacteria that can help keep your digestive tract healthy. It also provides calcium and protein (like yogurt does), …

Full belly, Healthy body

  September 17, 2011  |    Blog

Wanna know how you can stave off hunger? Go for balanced meals that include carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Here’s why the combinations works: Carbs give us energy. Fats help absorption of vitamins and minerals, lubricate our intestines, and cushion our organs. Proteins provide the “go button” for most of our body’s enzymatic processes. If we …