Balsamic Strawberries

  June 9, 2013  |    Blog>Recipes

We did it! We just may have found one of our most favorite recipes of all time. It’s the perfect balance of sweet and sour; the perfect healthy snack to satisfy all of those candy cravings without the added empty calories. It’s BALSAMIC STRAWBERRIES! This simple marinating of strawberries is something we adore. The longer …

5 Minute Bean Burrito

  May 14, 2013  |    Blog>Recipes

Beans, beans, they’re good for your heart, the more you eat the more you’re … SMART!! Although you may have been ready to say something else, this is true! All types of beans including black, white, red, pinto and the like, provide a source of protein similar to that of a piece of meat. But unlike most …

Appley Bran Muffins

  April 4, 2013  |    Blog>Recipes

As registered dietitians, people are always asking us about sugar and want to know if there are any healthier alternatives for sweetening their desserts. Being girls who have always had more of a sweet tooth than a salt tooth, we do regularly indulge in a small sweet treat. It keeps us from feeling deprived and …

Vanilla Berry Smoothie

  February 23, 2013  |    Blog>Recipes>Breakfast

Vanilla Berry Smoothie As you probably know by now, we are always singing praises about all kinds of berries. Not only are they healthy, filled with vitamins and minerals, but they also pack an antioxidant punch! They also are a great source of fiber, which helps make you feel full longer. Gotta love that!  And …