Pumpkin Spice Cake Roll

  October 17, 2015  |    Blog>Recipes

If you’ve read some of our blogs about our other pumpkin-inspired recipes, you probably know that it was our mom’s homemade pumpkin pie that started our pumpkin love affair. But it wasn’t long before we realized that as much as we love desserts that feature pumpkin, most pumpkin desserts are packed with artery-clogging fat and …

Savory Eggs & Oatmeal

  October 16, 2015  |    Blog>Recipes

Oatmeal is one of the most satisfying carbs out there (thanks to it being fiber-filled!) and it’s a great way to start your morning when paired with a lean protein.  Our Mom used to make oatmeal for us every Sunday morning (it’s no wonder why we’re fairly routine girls and like to have a schedule …

4 Easy Ways To Protect Against Cancer con’t. with Recipes

  October 9, 2015  |    Blog

Continued from 4 Easy Ways to Prevent Cancer… #3) Keep a bag of frozen broccoli in your freezer to toss in any meal daily. You’ll have this pre-washed and chopped cancer-fighter on hand, and it won’t have spoiled like it may have if it was fresh.  Think eggs, pastas, stir-fries, on top of pizzas and …

Lentil Vegetable Soup

  October 1, 2015  |    Blog>Recipes

We have the fondest memories of coming home to our Mom’s homemade soup. She always creates great, hearty soups from scratch, and once a week was soup night at our house. We’d come home from a long day of school followed by soccer practice, and we were always so hungry when we got home that …