Easy Peanut Butter & Chocolate Berry Protein Shake

  June 24, 2016  |    Blog>Recipes>Breakfast

This smoothie is the perfect way to start a hectic morning—and squash a sugar craving! It’s delicious, refreshing and provides the perfect burst of energy before a workout. As you can imagine, as registered dietitians, we have many tricks up our sleeves to tame our sweet tooth– and our clients’– and yours, too! One of …

Skinny Eggs Benedict

  June 4, 2016  |    Blog>Recipes>Breakfast

  After over ten years as registered dietitians, there’s one thing that’s clear about breakfast—we’ve witnessed what the science proves…when our clients choose the best breakfasts (fiber and protein-packed ones), the breakfast prevents hunger for hours, boosts energy and sets the tone for the rest of the day—keeping our clients on the healthy track. Remember …

This is why FAT is In

  May 3, 2016  |    Blog

If you get our e-newsletter, in early May you opened one titled “Kale is out, Fat is In“, and then only days letter received our newsletter that read this:   You know that moment when you hit “send” and your heart sinks?  We just had one.  Ugh… after a hectic Mother’s Day and one twin not …