Kale Chicken Burrito Bowl

  May 23, 2016  |    Blog>Recipes>Lunch/Dinner

This hottie reminds us of the good ‘ole days… 🙂 . When we were in our junior and senior years of college and living in an apartment and no longer in the college dorms, we used to have so much fun making dinner. Every night we made something together that was fairly fast and easy—and …

Cinnamon Banana Muffins

  May 11, 2016  |    Blog>Recipes>Breakfast

As you likely know, we think muffins are the bomb. Who doesn’t love a good muffin? We prefer them waistline- friendly, of course. Most muffins are typically loads of calories and fat—and they’re usually disastrous calorie bombs. But this delicious goodie feels indulgent and contains healthy ingredients. As you know, we frequently like to whip …

Lightened Up Blueberry Blender Muffins

  May 5, 2016  |    Blog>Recipes>Breakfast

 We confess. When we were in college we had a HUGE super sweet, sugary blueberry muffin for dinner every Monday night (yep, these veggie-loving registered dietitians who still have a crazy sweet tooth that we work hard to keep in check, had that same sweet tooth back then, only back then we weren’t ready to …

This is why FAT is In

  May 3, 2016  |    Blog

If you get our e-newsletter, in early May you opened one titled “Kale is out, Fat is In“, and then only days letter received our newsletter that read this:   You know that moment when you hit “send” and your heart sinks?  We just had one.  Ugh… after a hectic Mother’s Day and one twin not …