It’s Freebie Friday– Goji Gourmet Cookies

  March 2, 2012  |    Blog

Need a healthy, energizing and absolutely delicious snack? Try Goji Gourmet cookies! Goji Gourmet cookies are to die for! Not only are they delish but they are packed with the new superfruit, goji berries, which have been found to have 10 times the antioxidants of blueberries. With wholesome ingredients like almonds, oats, turmeric, and wheat …

Caffeine-Free Energy Tips!

  March 1, 2012  |    Blog

All of us have had those rough mornings when we were forced to wake up early for a work meeting, to study for an exam, to squeeze in a workout or to feed the kids. And we all know how lousy we can feel when we don’t get enough shut eye. In these situations, do …

It’s Freebie Friday– Luna Bars!

  March 1, 2012  |    Blog

Need a power snack to keep you satisfied so you can keep your energy up all day long? We have just the thing– and you can win it! Luna Bars! Luna Bars! Luna Bar has a new flavor, Peanut Honey Pretzel. It’s delish, and loaded with protein-rich, energy-boosting peanuts. It will quench your sweet tooth …

Congratulations! Freebie Friday Winners-Stretch Island Fruit Co.! Naked Calories! Corozonas! CalNaturale Svelte! Eat Out Healthy!

  March 1, 2012  |    Blog

Are you one of our Freebie Friday Winners? Congratulations!!!! Winners: Please email us your mailing address @ [email protected] Stretch Island Fruit Co. Winners: Alisa [email protected] and Alice Bryson-Bosse! You both receive receive a Stretch Island Fruit Company sampler Congratulations Corozonas Winner! SPACEYWACEY!! You won a caddy (12 bars!) of Oatmeal Squares in your favorite flavor! …