Make Some Hot Soup to Come Home to!

  December 12, 2011  |    Blog

Want to warm up on a cold day? Make a big pot of soup over the weekend and freeze it in several containers for the chilly weeks to come. All you have to do is defrost it by heating it on the stove top or microwave and viola! It will be a quick and easy …

Exercise Outdoors..The Smart Way!

  December 12, 2011  |    Blog

As the weather gets nippy, we tend to hunker up indoors. However, even in the winter there are still some days that are relatively nice outside so there’s no need to retreat to the gym. If you prep yourself wisely, you can have a great workout outdoors and gain the benefits of some fresh air. …

The New Cold Fighter

  December 11, 2011  |    Blog

Each winter, we try our best to eat healthfully and stay hydrated to help keep our immune system strong. Although there’s no known way to prevent the common cold or the flu (although frequent hand washing is a good place to start!), we load up on our vitamin C (we go for extra berries and …

Vitamin D in the Winter

  December 10, 2011  |    Blog

As the days continue to get shorter, we’re losing more than just a few hours of sunlight. Less sunlight means our bodies’ ability to produce vitamin D is also diminished. Many people in northern latitudes have a vitamin D deficiency because the amount of sunlight during the winter months is not enough to promote the …