Skinny Strawberry Sunrise Smoothie

  February 24, 2014  |    Blog>Recipes

We just remembered about this recipe we used to give our clients all the time. It’s an oldie–but a goodie! 🙂  Nowadays, if you want this for breakfast, we definitely recommend adding the extra Greek yogurt suggested below to give this a bit more staying power.  Lately you have been loving our Healthy Chocolate Shake  …

White Balsamic Brussels Sprouts with Pear and Walnuts

  February 24, 2014  |    Blog>Recipes

White Balsamic Brussels Sprouts with Pear and Walnuts By now you probably know we’re huge fans of anything cabbage—perhaps because of our Hungarian lineage—or because the flavor of cabbage just happens to float our boats!  So given that Brussels sprouts are mini cabbages, it should be no surprise that we love these little cancer-fighting dynamos …

Homemade Apple Butter- Your New Skinny Spread

  February 23, 2014  |    Blog>Recipes

Yes, you if you read our Fun Facts, you already know we’ve eaten an apple practically every day since high school with our breakfast! So we couldn’t resist turning our apple into another delish, low-cal delight–making it spreadable–booyah! 🙂  This delicious apple butter recipe is one you can make at home! So simple, so easy …

Skinny Orange-Mangorita

  February 23, 2014  |    Blog>Recipes

When we were growing up orange juice was the one and only juice we had in our house.  And every time someone in the family was sick, our family medicine was basically that orange juice! Yup, if you had the flu in our healthy house you’d be “cured” by the time you woke up in …