Banana Kiwi Weight Loss Smoothies

  January 2, 2014  |    Blog>Nutrition & Weight Loss

If you’re looking for a healthy snack that is satisfying, scrumptious and feels like an absolute splurge, then look no further then this weight loss smoothie!  It’s got 7 grams of protein to fight hunger yet only 90 delicious calories! (Psst… On days when we feel like we need something to give us an extra …

Skinny Deviled Eggs

  January 2, 2014  |    Appetizer

By now you know how much we love our eggs.  We rave about how delicious and satisfying they are– and how they’re a registered dietitian’s dream-come-true because they’re so nutrient packed.  And if you’ve ever tried any of our egg recipes (and there are so many to try!), you are well aware that we are …

Cranberry Sparkle Spritzer

  December 31, 2013  |    Blog>Recipes

After we shared some our waistline friendly cocktails, like our Skinny Orange Mangorita and our Watermelon Fresca you told us how much you loved them and that you’d like more.  Thank you!! You have no idea how much it makes our day to hear from you and that you like the information and recipes we …

Vanilla Almond Fruit Salad

  December 30, 2013  |    Blog>Recipes>Desserts

Skip the calorie-dense cakes, cookies and pies and still feel like you’re splurging!  With this recipe you get a low- cal delish treat that lets you lose the extra lbs and keep the flavor in your diet during this belly busting season. Woot! Woot! Vanilla Almond Fruit Salad Makes 7 servings Ingredients: 1/2 pound seedless …