Salt Substitutes

  July 29, 2011  |    Blog

Salt is the go to for most American Kitchens. BUT, that doesn’t make it the healthy choice! Salt is the culprit that adds all that extra sodium to our foods. Though some may be spared from hypertension that can result from too much sodium, most of us can’t help that bloated, swollen feeling after a …

Get Lean with Quinoa

  July 25, 2011  |    Blog>Recipes

Tired of making the same old side dish? Switch it up with this quinoa recipe. If you’ve never tried quinoa, now’s the time to start. Quinoa has become one of our favorite superfoods- not only is it a great source of protein and fiber, but it is also gluten-free. Lyssie’s been having it with her …

Whole Grain Crepes

  July 19, 2011  |    Blog>Nutrition & Weight Loss

              Whole Grain Crepes Crepes are a great foundation for many dishes.  They can be filled with something savory (spinach and feta) or sweet (summer berries with light cream, like we did above).  You can make the batter ahead of time and keep it stored in the refrigerator for …

Easy, Healthy French Fries using Any Vegetable

  July 9, 2011  |    Blog>Recipes

Can’t resist the smell of French fries? Not to worry—you can bake your own fries and savor them guilt free! Sure you can use potatoes, but for extra beta carotene, you can also use sweet potatoes, butternut squash, jicama, turnips, daikon radish, or even carrots! Easy, Healthy Recipe for French Fries (using Any Vegetable!) Preheat …