Run Your Way To A Great Summer Body

  June 3, 2012  |    Blog

Admittedly, as the weather gets nicer it makes us dream of spending some time strolling around our neighborhood in the sun, but it’s also time to get moving with some fun outdoor activities. What’s easier than putting on some running shoes and heading out for a nice aerobic exercise? When you exercise your body gets …

Nutritional Yeast!

  June 2, 2012  |    Blog

Happy Saturday! This past week in New York City was a scorcher and it left many feeling lethargic. If the weather where you are has left you craving energy, we’ve got a new and tasty way to get a boost this weekend- nutritional yeast! Nutritional yeast is deactivated yeast. It has a nutty/cheesy flavor so …

Put an ENERGY twist on popcorn!

  June 1, 2012  |    Blog

Tonight we’re headed to the movies for the premiere of Snow White and the Huntsman! Are you off to the movies tonight? Want to know the secret to feeling like the fairest of all like Snow White whether you are heading to the theater or staying in to watch a movie? The secret is to …

Recover from the holiday weekend with green tea

  May 29, 2012  |    Blog

Did the Memorial Day festivities wear you out? Recovering from the holiday can call for finding desperate measures just to get the energy needed to power through the day. If you’re tired of downing cups of coffee, chugging energy drinks, or resorting to elaborate remedies, keep it simple with one tip: Green tea! Green tea …