Healthy Chocolate Shake!

  March 16, 2013  |    Blog>Nutrition & Weight Loss

Craving chocolate? If so, you’re not alone—we have a sweet tooth for chocolate too!  Yes, even us– registered dietitians, personal trainers and proud veggies lovers– we admit it!  We love our chocolate and gotta get some of it too!  🙂 Chocolate brownies, chocolate covered pretzels, chocolate fudgesicles…yes, anything chocolate, we’re likely huge fans!  And of …

Homemade Baked Potato Chips

  March 14, 2013  |    Blog>Recipes

One potato, two potato, three potato four … Happy National Potato Chip Day! Potatoes come in all sizes and shapes, all with varying nutritional content. Some of our favorites? Regular, sweet potatoes and purple potatoes! Sweet potatoes are high in beta-carotene, an antioxidant that promotes eye health. Purple potatoes are VERY high in antioxidants, to …

Simple Yogurt and Oatmeal Pancakes

  March 10, 2013  |    Blog>Recipes>Breakfast

Yesterday we told you how much we love brunch. So in case you’re cooking brunch at home today and craving something on the sweeter side, here’s another recipe for you – Yogurt and Oatmeal Pancakes! These pancakes are a delicious treat and super simple to make! Give these puppies a whirl and let us know …

Healthy Eggs Benedict

  March 9, 2013  |    Blog

Sunday Brunch is one of our favorite meals. However, if you eat brunch at your favorite restaurant, it will likely be full of unhealthy, energy-draining ingredients. So, instead of heading out on Sunday to grab brunch with friends, we like to cook our own. Eggs Benedict is one of our favorites, and here’s a great, …