Baked Apple

  October 5, 2012  |    Blog

Need a dessert that’s as good for your as your dinner? Try a baked apple! You’ll get a sweet treat with fiber and antioxidant-rich carbohydrates to sustain your energy. This dessert will really give you a boost! Baked Apple Ingredients: – 1 medium apple – 1 drizzle honey (or any other sweetener of your choice, …

Roasted Zucchini and Carrot “Fries”

  October 5, 2012  |    Blog

Need a veggie side that everyone will love? These veggie “fries” are made with carrots and zucchini, instead of potatoes, and they’re baked, not fried, so they’ll keep you going! We love ‘em! We actually spray the veggies with olive oil that we put in a spray bottle, rather than mixing the veggies with oil, …

The Story of The Great Pumpkin Man

  October 3, 2012  |    Blog

Halloween is just around the corner and Halloween goodies surround us everywhere. Tammy just went to her daughters’ school Harvest Festival, and there was an entire cafeteria filled with candy and other sugar-filled goodies. It’s hard to prevent kids from overdoing it– her girls asked for everything from the cat-faced cupcakes with the licorice whiskers …

Go Nuts, for NUTS!

  September 25, 2012  |    Blog

Looking for a light, easy snack that will also give you energy? Try some nuts! Nuts are a great source of phytochemicals (good-for-you plant chemicals that help to prevent a wide range of diseases) and antioxidants. Just a palm full of nuts 3-4 times per week can not only help to reduce your risk of …