Mint Leaves

  October 25, 2012  |    Blog

It’s time to get your mint ENERGY on! There are many different varieties of mint leaves. Two of the most common, and our favorites, are peppermint and spearmint. They are refreshing and rejuvenating and ideal for boosting energy! Mint, like all herbs and spices, is a great source of nutrients. It’s high in many vitamins …

Foods That Cure

  October 24, 2012  |    Blog

With the change of the season, there are plenty of sicknesses our bodies will be trying to ward off (colds, the flu allergies) that exhaust us. Don’t let exhaustion happen to you! Try this Energy Boosting tip: Low energy? Eat one banana daily. They are filled with potassium (needed to help activate your muscles so …

Apricot Canapés

  October 23, 2012  |    Blog

What could be a better way to start off your October than with beautiful fall colors mixed together for this festive, quick and easy snack? Aside from their pretty color, dried apricots contain iron, which helps to carry oxygen to your tissues and muscles so that you can have energy. They also contain fiber-filled carbohydrates, …

Get rid of that hard to reach underarm flab!

  October 22, 2012  |    Blog

Nobody likes the extra underarm skin that waves every time you do. Here are two simple workout moves to tighten that underarm skin and stop the jiggle for good! Note: The key to great jiggle-free arms is doing all exercises while keeping your abs tight. Triceps Kickback: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly …